Sunday, January 26, 2020
Advertising Strategy Impact On Consumer Buying Behaviour Marketing Essay
Advertising Strategy Impact On Consumer Buying Behaviour Marketing Essay Introduction: Understanding the advertising strategies is an important which determines the consumer motivation towards the purchase decision making. Depending on the nature of the product consumer will follow a certain distinctive stages which will form the purchase decision making process. Consumer purchase decision making process starts with problem recognition like identification of a problem or unfulfilled need of the consumer than the search for information. They can search information by different ways like impulse purchase decisions, internet, advertising etc. Then they will evaluate the alternatives and finally make the purchase decision. The final part of purchase decision making process include post-purchase evaluation. This is a very important sector for all the marketing managers to satisfy their after making the purchasing decision by checking whether the products meet the level of expectations or not. Advertising is a paid, mediated form of communication from an identifiable source which is designed to persuade the receiver to take some action at now or in the future. (Richards and Curran, 2002) 1.2 Problem Definition: Advertising strategy has an impact on consumer buying behaviour. Advertising strategy is a campaign developed to communicate ideas about the product and services to potential customers for convincing them to buy those products or services ( the advertising strategy should be built in a rational and intelligent manner will reflect business consideration like overall budget and brand recognition and objectives such as public image enhancement, market share growth. 1.3 Rationale: Retail industries in UK are facing problems of understanding the consumer behaviour. Consumer interest to a particular product can be increased by their advertising strategy. Advertising strategy should be made in such a way which will understand the consumers mind and satisfying the needs and wants of the consumers. I want to use this study to protect customer rights and to increase awareness in customers mind. Also I want to raise the issue of establish societal marketing concept by the company, where a company should play an ethical role in the society for the benefit of society and normal consumer. 1.4 Organizational Background: This research is based upon Tescos advertising strategies to motivate their customers. Tesco is one of largest retail industry in UK. In the year 2000 Tesco has launched in UK. At the year 2001, Tesco launches `Customer Champions in many stores an in many implement a new labour scheduler to further improve service for customers and Tesco becomes the leading organic retailer in the UK and reaches to à £1 billion price cuts. In 2002, Tesco enters to Malaysia and offers Free-From products designed for customers with special dietary needs. In 2003, Tesco entered in Turkey and Japan in order to expand their business. Day by day Tesco is increasing their business in different areas and in 2004 Tesco enters in China and launched own-brand Fair trade range and Broadband. At this time become the first major British supermarket to enter music and download music. In the year 2005, Tesco Home plus launches and Tesco announces annual profit of à £2 billion and Tesco exists the Taiwanese market in an asset swap deal with Carrefour involving stores and operations in the Czech Republic. In 2006, Tesco Direct launched and in 2007 Tesco opens Fresh and Easy in the US. In 2008, Tesco announces plans to establish cash and carry business in India and acquires 36 hypermarkets in South Korea from Homever. Tesco also launched discount brand and personal finance acquisition in this year. In the year 2009, another advertising strategy club card re-launched in the UK with à £150 million investment offering customers the opportunity to double up their vouchers. (, 2010) 1.5 Research Background: At present, retail companies are giving aggressive advertisement to attract customers which impacts great changes on customers buying pattern. Sometimes their advertising strategy leads to un-ethical issues in the society. So, general customers and people in the society have been affected by enormous advertisement. This study will explore that issue. 1.6 Research Questions: What is the concept of advertising and consumer buying behaviour in the context of retail industries? What is the impact of advertising strategy on consumer buying behaviour in the UK retail industry? What is the impact of Tescos advertising strategy on the buying behaviour of its customers? 1.7 Research Objectives: Critically review literature on advertising and consumer buying behaviour in the context of marketing and business strategy in the UK retail industry. Collect and analyze the data obtained through questionnaires targeting Tescos customer and interview the managers. Literature Review 2.1 Indicative Literature Review: The aim of this chapter is to demonstrate knowledge of relevant literature. Identifies key debates, concept and theories. Following two key points are the backbone literature of the proposed research topic: Advertising Customers buying behaviour The aim of this literature review in this report is to identify the literature gap. 2.2 Advertising: One of the major goals of advertising must to generate awareness of the business and its products. Once the business is established and its products are positioned in the market then the advertising will increase and develop consumer loyalty to the product. Definition of advertising: Advertising is any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor. (Kotler Armstrong, 2004) A dictionary definition of advertise would be to make known: to inform. All advertisements can be seen to offer information, and can be regarded as communications about products, services and organizations. Viewed in this way, advertisings purpose can be seen as communication, but since all advertisements contain persuasive elements directed at the ultimate purpose of a sale, advertising must also provide motives. Consumers must be moved towards purchase; ideas must be communicated.(Geoff Lancaster et. all,2002) 2.3 Advertising Decisions: Marketing management must make four important decisions when developing an advertising program, and evaluating advertising campaigns. Campaign evaluation Communication Impact Sales impact Message decisions Message strategy Message execution Budget decision Affordable approach Percent of sales Competitive parity Objective and task Objectives Setting Communication objectives Sales objectives Media decision Research, frequency, impact Major media types Specific media vehicles Media timing 2.4 Advertising objectives: There are some major objectives of making the advertising such as building brand image, providing information, persuasion, supporting marketing efforts and encouraging action. An advertising objective is a specific communication task to be accomplished with a specific target audience during a specific period of time. Advertising objectives can be classified by primary purpose whether the aim is to inform, persuade, or remind. (Kotler Armstrong, 2004) Following table will illustrate core advertising objective. Informative Advertising Telling the market about a new product Describing available services Suggesting new uses for product Correcting false impression Informing the market of a price change Reducing consumers fears Explain how the product works Building a company image Persuasive Advertising Building brand preference Persuading customer to purchase now Encouraging switching to your brand Persuading customer to receive a sales call Changing customers perception of product attribution Reminder Advertising Reminding brand preference Keeping customer to purchase now Encouraging switching to your brand during off seasons Changing customers perception of product attributes Maintaining its top-of-mind awareness 2.5 Setting the Advertising Budget: After determining its advertising objectives, the company next sets its advertising budget for each product. Four commonly used methods such as; affordable approach, percent of sales, competitive parity, and objective and task. A brands advertising budget often depends on its stage in the product life cycle. For example, new products typically need large advertising budget to build awareness and to persuade consumers to try the products. In contrast, mature brands usually require lower budgets as a ratio to sale. Market share also impacts the amount advertising needed: Because building the market or taking share from competitors requires larger advertising spending than does simply maintaining current share, low-share brands usually need more advertising spending as a percentage of sales. 2.6 Developing Advertising strategy: Advertising strategy consists of two major elements: creating advertising messages and selecting, advertising media. In the past, companies often viewed media planning as secondary to the message-creation process. The creative department first created good advertisements, then the media department selected the best media for carrying these advertisements to desired target audiences. 2.7 Creating the Advertising Message: Good advertising messages are especially important in todays costly and cluttered advertising environment. Just to gain and hold attention, todays advertising messages must be better planned, more imaginative, more entertaining, and more rewarding to consumers. Message strategy is the first step in creating effective advertising messages is to decide what general message will be communicated to consumers- to plan a message strategy. Message execution is the second step. The advertiser has to turn the big idea into an actual ad execution that will capture the target markets attention and interest. The creative people must find the best style, tone, words, and format for executing the message. Any message can be presented in different execution styles, such as; Slice of life Lifestyle Fantasy Mood or image Musical Personality symbol Technical expertise Scientific evidence Testimonial evidence or endorsement. 2.8 Selecting Advertising Media The major steps in media selection are: Deciding on reach, frequency, and impact. Choosing among major media types. Selecting specific media vehicles. Deciding on media timing. 2.9 Advertising Evaluation: The advertising program should evaluate both the communication effects and the sales effects of advertising regularly. Measuring the communication effects of an ad- copy testing tells whether the ad is communicating well. Copy testing can be done before of after an ad is printed or broadcast. Before the ad is placed, the advertiser can show it to consumers, ask how they like it, and measure recall or attitude changes resulting from it. After the ad is run, the advertiser can measure how the ad affected consumer recall or product awareness, knowledge, and preference. 2.10 Importance of Advertising strategy: The importance of advertising strategy are the following:- Advertising strategy will help to reach the large number of customers across different geographic markets. Effective advertising will allow larger audience to be reached with specific messages. Depending on media used, cost of reaching individuals can be lowered compared to other forms of communications. Advertising can be used to provide information for consumers at different purchasing stages. Advertising strategy will be effective in awareness creation at early stages of new product launched. Advertising strategy include a wide range of media to carry the advertising. 2.11 Advertising strategy framework: For the development of the advertising strategy it is useful to use different theoretical framework which are the following:- Hierarchy of effects model: This model will help to clarify the objectives of the advertising strategies as well as the objectives of a particular advertisement. It is also helpful to identifying the communication strategy. This model describes that a business buyer or a consumer moves through a series of six steps to make a purchase like awareness, knowledge, liking, preference, conviction and the actual purchase. (Kenneth E. Clow and D. Baack, 2002) Means-End Theory: The second theoritical model of Advertising strategy called the means-end chain. An advertisement contains a message or a means to lead the consumers a desired end state. Here the end-states include the personal values. The purpose of the means-end chain is to cause a chain reaction in which viewing the ad leads to the consumer to belief the product will achieve one of these personal values. The means-end theory model suggests that there are five elements in creating advertising like the product attributes, consumer benefits, leverage points, personal values and the execution framework. This model is designed to move the consumers through these five elements. Thus, the attributes of the product should be linked to the specific benefits consumer can derive and these benefits can lead to the attainment of a personal value. (Kenneth E. Clow and D. Baack, 2002) Leverage Point model: The hierarchy of effects model and the means-end chain approach are associated with leverage point methods. A leverage point is such a feature in the ads that lead the viewers to transform the advertising message into a personal value. To construct a quality leverage point, the marketers tries to build a pathway connecting a product benefit with the potential buyers value system. (Kenneth E. Clow and D. Baack, 2002) Verbal and visual images: The final type of advertising model is called verbal and visual images model. Here the degree of emphasis is given on the visual elements. Visual images often lead to more favourable attitudes toward both the advertisement and the brand. Visuals also trend to be more easily remembered than a verbal copy. Visual elements will be stored in the memory as both pictures and the verbal copy. This dual processing makes it easier for people to recall the message and also visual images are usually stored in the left and right hand sides of the brain while verbal messages are tend to be stored in the left side of the brain only. (Kenneth E. Clow and D. Baack, 2002) 2.12 Customers Buying Behaviour Consumers around the world vary tremendously in age, income, education level, and tastes. They also buy an incredible variety of goods and services. How these diverse consumers connect with each other and with other elements of the world around them impacts their choices among various products, services, and companies. (Kotler Armstrong, 2004) 2.13 Models of Consumer Behaviour Buyers black box Buyer Buyer Character- Decision Istitcs Process Marketing and other stimuli Marketing Other Product Economic Price Technological Place Political Promotion Cultural Buyer responses Product choice Brand choice Dealer choice Purchase timing Purchase amountConsumers make many buying decision every day. Most large companies research consumer buying decisions in great detail to answer questions about what consumers buy, why they buy, how and how much they buy, when they buy. Marketers can study actual consumer purchases to find out what they buy, where, and how much. But learning about the whys of consumer buying behaviour is not so easy the answers are often locked deep within the consumers head. This figure shows that marketing and other stimuli enter the consumers black box and produce certain responses. Marketers must figure out what is in the buyers black box. Marketing stimuli consist of the four Ps: product, price, place, and promotion. Other stimuli include major forces and events in the buyers environment: economic, technological, political, and cultural. All these inputs enter the buyers black box, where they are turned into a set of observable buyer responses: product choice, brand choice, dealer choice, purchase timing, and purchase amount. The marketers want to understand how the stimuli are changed into responses inside the consumers black box, which has two parts. First, the buyers characteristics influence how he or she perceives and reacts to the stimuli. Second, the buyers decision process itself affects the buyers behaviour. (Kotler Armstrong, 2004) 2.14 Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behaviour Consumer purchased are influenced strongly by cultural, social, personal, and psychological characteristics. For the most part, marketers cannot control such factors, but they must take them into account. 2.15 Cultural Factors: Cultural factors exert a broad and deep influence on consumer behaviour. The marketer needs to understand the role played by the buyers culture, subculture, and social class. Cultural Culture Subculture Social class Social Reference groups Family Roles and status Personal Age and life-cycle stage Occupation Economic situation Lifestyle Personality and self-concept Buyer Psychological Motivation Perception Learning Beliefs and attitudes 2.16 Types of Buying-Decision Behaviour: There are four types of buying-decision behaviour such as: Complex buying behaviour: Consumers undertake complex buying behaviour when they are highly involved in a purchase and perceive significant differences among brands. Consumers may be highly involved when the product is expensive, risky, purchased infrequently, and highly self-expressive. Typically, the consumer has much to learn about the product category. Dissonance-reducing buying behaviour: It occurs when consumers are highly involved with an expensive, infrequent, or risky purchase, but see little difference among brands. Habitual buying behaviour: It occurs under conditions of low consumer involvement and little significant brand difference. Variety-seeking buying behaviour: consumers undertake it in situations characterized by low consumer involvement but significant perceived brand differences. In such cases, consumers often do a lot of brand switching. 2.17 The Buyer Decision Process: Post purchase behaviour Evaluation of alternatives Information search Need recognition Purchase decision Need recognition: The first stage of the buyer decision process, in which the consumer recognizes a problem or need. Information search: The stage of the buyer decision process in which the consumer is aroused to search for more information; the consumer may simply have heightened attention or may go into active information search. Alternative evaluation: The stage of the buyer decision process in which the consumer uses information to evaluate alternative brands in the choice set. Purchase decision: The buyers decision about which brand to purchase. Post purchase behaviour: The stage of the buyer decision process in which consumers take further action after purchase, based on their satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Research Methodology 3.1 Introduction A good research methodology gives a clear picture of what the aims of the field work should be. In the main, the purpose of the primary research would be to identify some of the key issues behind the Tescos advertising strategy. This methodology chapter will begin by briefly looking at the theoretical underpinning underlying the carrying out of a marketing research activity. Thus it can be argued that regardless of the nature of the study, understanding the nature and limitations of various data collection methods can enable a researcher to better understand the data collected and the limits of their interpretation. Following this review, the chapter then goes to consider the choice of method and its implementation, with the entire attendant stages involved. 3.2 What is Marketing Research? Johnson (1994 cited in White 2003, p21) defined research as a focused and systematic enquiry that goes beyond generally available knowledge to acquire specialized and detailed information, providing a basis for analysis and elucidatory comment on the topic of enquiry. Any type of researches, including both marketing and academic research, contains the basic characteristics of a research activity. Cooper and Schindler (2006, p4) have argued that marketing research is a systematic inquiry that provides information to guide marketing decisions. 3.3 The Marketing Research Process The research process is the route map of any type of research. Aaker et al (2004, pp 43-5) have argued that by and large any research activity or study contains seven steps, as follows: (1) Agree on the research process. (2) Establish research objectives. (3) Estimate the value of information. (4) Design the research. (5) Collect the data. (6) Prepare and analyse the data. (7) Report the research results and provide strategic recommendations. 3.4 Qualitative Research Following the broad overview above, this section now briefly looks at the type of approaches in use in practice. 3.5 Definition Once a research approach is decided, researchers will need to focus on the research methods. Hague (1992, p120) argued that marketing research surveys include two main groups. They are quantitative and qualitative researches. Denzin and Lincoln (2003, p4) considered that generic definition of qualitative research could be described as qualitative research is a situated activity that locates the observer in the world. 3.6 Qualitative versus Quantitative In terms of the differences between them, Wright and Crimp (2000, pp 374-5) argued that qualitative research uses description by words and pictures, while quantitative research uses measurement and number. Hague and Jackson (1999, pp 17-8) believed that quantitative research emphasizes accuracy whereas qualitative research emphasises understanding rather than simple measurement. Hague (1992, p123) also argued that qualitative researches enables researchers to better understand the subject matter more so than quantitative researches. In conclusion, quantitative research emphasises the accuracy and quantity dimensions. On the other hand, qualitative research emphasises the nature or quality aspects. Given the nature of the problem posed in this study, it can be argued at this stage this study will utilise a more qualitative approach since we do not understand the reasons for the present push of Abu Dhabi as a destination and where exactly it will be positioned in the minds of consumers. 3.7 Quantitative Research Quantitative research methodology deals with areas that can be expressed in numbers. It will tell researchers, for example, what proportion of the population uses luxury cars and what their ages and occupations are; what it will not do very easily is tell researchers why those people prefer such cars. Main quantitative research techniques are; Survey Questionnaire 3.8 The Survey Survey involves the systematic application of representative sampling, questionnaire design, information collection and statistical analysis techniques to obtain data which describes aspects of a market in as much detail required by the research user. The size of the sample is determined by a combination of factors including the structure of the market being examined, the level of detail required and the accuracy levels required at the overall cost of the research. (Malhotra, 2004) Figure : A classification of survey methods Traditional TelephoneTelephone InterviewingPP Personal Interviewing CC Computer Assisted Telephone InterviewingSS Survey MethodsEE Electronic Interviewing II In-HouseMM Mall Interviewing MM Mall InterceptCC Computer Assisted personal InterviewingMM MailMM Mail panelEE E-mailII Internet Source:Naresh.K.Malhotra, 2004 3.9 The Questionnaire They are a valuable method of collecting a wide range of information from a large number of respondents. Good questionnaire construction is critical to the success of a survey. Inappropriate questions, incorrect ordering of questions, incorrect scaling, or bad questionnaire format can make the survey valueless. A useful method for checking a questionnaire for problems is to pretest it. This usually involves giving it to a small sample of respondents, then interviewing the respondents to get their impressions and to confirm that the questions accurately captured their opinions.(Burns Bush, 2003). McDaniel and Gates (2005, p318) believed that questionnaire is a set of questions designed to generate the data necessary to accomplish the objectives of the research project. To design a questionnaire, they proposed a ten-step process as follows: -Step one: Determine survey objectives, resources and constraints. -Step two: Determine the data collection method. -Step three: Determine the question response format. His basic format of a questionnaire is closed-ended questions. Its main consideration is that it is more convenient for the respondents to utilise. But as will be seen in Appendix, this study used mainly open-ended questions because of the problem being investigated. One of the advantages is that it can provide more clues to analyse and judge the response (Aaker et al 2004, p320). -Step four: Decide on the question wording. -Step five: Establish the flow and layout. -Step six: Evaluate the questionnaire. After the first draft, the questionnaire should be reviewed. The main purpose is to make sure that all questions will collect necessary data which will accomplish the aim of the study. -Step seven: Obtain approval of all relevant parties. -Step eight: Pre-test and revise. -Step nine: Prepare the final copy. -Step ten: Implement the survey. 3.10 Sampling Methods Aaker et al (2004, p373) believed that sampling is useful when the population size is big, the cost is limited and time is limited. They argued that time spent on each would be limited if sampling is used properly and hence the quality of responses would be improved. In terms of the suitable situations of using each, Aaker et al (2004, pp 387-90) argued that non-probability sampling can be used in exploratory research as follows: judgemental, snowball, convenience, and quota sampling. For this study, judgemental sampling method is chosen mainly for the time limitation. 3.11 E-mail Survey More recently, the use of the e-mail survey method has become more common place. Aaker et al (2004, pp 167-8) are of the view that there are some advantages in collecting primary data by this means. The include: (1) It is speeder than the traditional postal mail. This study has benefited from this means since it was possible to contact potential respondents and solicit their co-operation well before the interview took place (2) It usually saves many of the costs involved in regular mail surveys (3) There are no intermediaries. E-mail is usually read only by the recipient, so that the respondent chosen by the researcher is usually the one to answer the questions (4) It is more convenient for the recipient. 3.12 Choice of Data Collection Method and Its Implementation In this study quantitative research method will be used to get accurate output from the study. The key element is face to face interview. The process is given below: 3.13 Face-to-face interviews (with an interview schedule/open-ended questions: See Appendix 1) with selected Tescos customers and line managers charged with responsibility of trading in the Tesco store. It was felt that given the time it took to respond to a request for interview that a questionnaire survey would have been far less satisfactory. In addition, in that part of the world face-to-face encounters are considered more respectful particularly when attempting to elicit answers from operational managers and customers. Nevertheless, the process was cumbersome and entailed constants with customer service in order to fix dates and diaries. The process took well over three months (from August to October, 2010). The researcher is of the view that the responses elicited do provide a good overall picture of the advertising strategy and its impact, was useful to the study. Hypothesis Statement: Problem question: How do advertising strategies impact on consumer buying behaviour? H0: Advertising strategies have an impact on consumer buying behaviour. H1: Advertising strategies have no impact on consumer buying behaviour. Limitations of the Research: The limitation of this research is to submit this project within a short period of time and for that reason some of the important issues may have not been discussed on this research. Another limitation can be limited sources of secondary information available in the market and thats why this research can not use a major sources of information in order to make an extensive project. PROPOSED TIME-TABLE: Following table will illustrate the possible deadlines and dates to complete the proposed dissertation properly on time. AREAS WK 1 WK 2 WK 3 WK 4 WK 5 WK 6 WK 7 WK 8 WK 9 WK 10 WK 11 WK 12 Identification Of Issue Literature Review Research design
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Project Management Regency Plaza
Table of ContentsPage 1. Executive Summary (207 words) 2. Introduction (280 words) 3. Project Definition Phase (949 words) 3. 1Problems Encountered during the Project 4. The Project Manager (790 words) 4. 1Assessment of Kris Hodgkins 5. Risk Management (938 words) 5. 1Evaluating Risk Management 6. Millerââ¬â¢s Dilemma (821 words) 7. Final Discussion (398 words) 8. Conclusion (142 words) 9. Appendix 10. References 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Being a successful hotel operator, the Regency Hotel Group (RHG) has the experience, the resources as well as the capability of managing the Regency Plaza Project. So the question is, why has the project been dogged by various problems? From slow sales growth, unhappy customers to increasing costs, internal conflict as well as work delays, the list is extensive. One major reason for this appears to be poor planning. With proper planning and project management in place, scheduling and coordination is made much easier. Any arising problems could be identified and resolved which would lead to less time and money spent on rectification. This would in turn enable more time and resources to be spent on the refinement of the works which would result in the completion and success of the project. The RHG has established a reputation and a brand name associated with good service, luxury and an extensive range of amenities. Failure or even further delays on this project would be detrimental to their reputation. This goes to show the importance of project management in relation to the organizationââ¬â¢s strategic mission. This report will assess how the Regency Plaza project was managed and implications for future project managers to take note of. 2. Introduction Lewis (2005; P23) mentioned that haste makes waste and it is very true. But in the ââ¬Å"hurry up and get it done worldâ⬠, there is little patience with ââ¬Å"wasting timeâ⬠on all that planning. The result? Rework and rectification, which is 100 percent waste. Experts estimated that one-third of the cost of the average project goes to correcting errors through reworks. Having said the above, there is still no flawless project process. Why is that so? This is because we are all human beings, and human beings tend to make mistakes. In situations where time, cost and resources are of special concern, project anagers tend to make more irrational decisions, resulting in more re-work. The Regency Plaza case study is a key example. So how can these errors be minimized? What projects managers can do to minimize these errors is to ensure that there is proper planning, project design and project management. Projects are stepping stones of corporate strategy and its success is the lifeblood of every organization RHG is well known for her luxurious fitt ings and high service quality in the hotel industry. The Regency Plaza project was formulated using this strategy in the challenging market environment. The role of the project manager (which in this case is Hodgkins), is to take responsibility for the overall success of the project. However, this is not seen in the Regency Plaza project. As indicated, this project has been racked with many uncertainties. This essay will evaluate the following: 1) The Project Definition Phase of Regency Plaza, 2) The Role of the Project Manager, 3) The Overall Risk Assessment, and lastly 4) The Implications for the Project Manager facilitating the pace of the project. 3. Project Definition Phase The overall project definition phrase goes according to the following cycle diagram which shows the interrelationship between the 3 stages of project definition. Goals RHG had a clear goal in mind of what they wanted to achieve in this project development; that is, to develop Regency Plaza. This is their first attempt venturing into building luxury condominiums units together with hotel rooms. The financial aim was to earn projected gross profits of $134. 4 million and net profits of $26 million. In the development of Regency Plaza Project, luxury condominium units are also included. The management failed to take into account the fact that they are venturing into a new business territory involving long-term residential condominium units. Hotel guests and condominium residents have different levels of expectations not to mention the fact that the Regency Plaza is a luxury development. While being established and successful in their main business is good, perhaps this has also contributed to the over-confidence of the management and their failure to set appropriate realistic goals. A project priority matrix was first developed to identify the various levels of project priorities in terms of time, performance and cost which interelate to the goals set. Project Priority Matrix | | | | | | | | | | | | This would signify the following for the Regency Plaza Project: ? If the project is behind schedule, there will be a reduction in the completion time in order to successfully market the product ? If the project is behind schedule, cost budget will be increased to speed up work ? The original specifications fixed cannot be compromised Specifications When the project management team under the leadership of project manager Hodgkins was set-up by RHG management, plentiful amounts of information/data/specifications was provided. It was a tough period for Hodgkins as she needed to undertake many decisions of deciding on the projectââ¬â¢s main specifications. For instance; she had to decide on the number of units that would be offered when the project was completed. From RHGââ¬â¢s perspective, obtaining the maximum profit from the 96 units would be deemed as a wise decision, whereas considering the duration and deadline of the project, choosing to build more units would be tedious not only in terms of planning and meeting deadlines but also with regards to cost in terms of materials. At the same time, one of the key strategies of the development was allowing buyers the option of customising their units. As such, the decision to opt for more units is a core decision which would greatly affect the projectââ¬â¢s main specifications whereby the rest of the specifications that follow would be affected as well. Tasks and Responsibilities As ambitious as RHG may be, following the concept development, they not only left key decisions but also the majority of the project responsibilities and decision-making power to Hodgkins. However, this fact was not communicated to the rest of the project participants, resulting in many individuals influencing the project managerââ¬â¢s decision. RHG management had failed to organize the task and responsibilities in a systematic manner where there is proper information dissemination and a tight chain of command. The management also failed to supervise and maintain a series of checks and control for the entire project. It was also noted that the management had a different project team working on the hotel but the same contractor. It is essential that both teams work closely as any delay by either party would impact on the other as could be seen when construction slowed down on the hotel nearing the completion date due to issues with the condominium units. Conflict and unhappiness with the contractor and vice-versa also impacted the other. Decision making process hindered by too many parties pic] 1. Problems Encountered during the Regency Plaza Project Unable To Complete Before Scheduled Time In the case of the Regency Plaza Project, the hiccup encountered by the project manager was behind schedule If a clear and sufficient time frame was pre-planned in the project definition phrase, the possibility of such a problem occurring would be greatly reduced. The project manager had failed to allocat e and include an amount of time/duration into the entire project duration as a contingency plan to rely on in the event of phrase failure or delays.. In the initial tender stage with the contractor, the lowest bid selected and the selected contractor was persuaded to cut off 3 months from their target date. This was agreed with the understanding that the timeline was tight but with minimal changes and disruptions, the time line could still be met. With this in mind, the project manager should note that no disruptions or delays could be tolerated. There also appears to be a lack of proper checks and progress updates, as if this was present, the problem would be flagged earlier on and measures to resolve this could be established. Decision making hindered by multiple stake holders The decision-making process, right from the conceptualisation stage had to go through tedious discussions with the stakeholders. The nature of the project itself, with two separate project teams (hotel and condo) as well as the customisation element, meant that while the responsibility laid with Hodgkins and she was tasked to make major decisions, she had difficulty doing so as she needed to accommodate and take the various stakeholders into consideration while trying to obtain the optimum profit/benefits. If the major decision maker has been determined during the project definition phrase, a systematic flow utilising the decision making matrix should be used to avoid the problem of too many decision-makers. 4. the Project Manager The role of the project manager involves integrating, planning, organizing, controlling and leading. Hodgkins needs to be able to properly communicate and combine the crossing points of functional departments, the subcontractors and other stakeholders. In the initial planning stage, Hodgkins needs to identify the task each stakeholder is involved in and the targeted completion deadline. This will provide a better picture of the resources availabile at each stage of the project. Hodgkins is required to manage and organize the project team that was put together for her by Regency. This controlling role requires the project manager to plan out the objectives and processes required to reach the end goal. Following which, the assigned processes need to be implemented and at various stages, the results need to be tracked and tallied to ensure that the expected outcomes are reached. Lastly, project manager must be flexible and react decisively. There is a eed to constantly keep track and analyze the cause of any differences and re-evaluate the whole process and make the necessary changes. A project manager should lead by example as it is a highly visible management style that will build and sustain cooperative relationships. The skills required as a project manager would be as follow; 1. Good communication ensures that valuable information related to the project status is provided in a timely and effective manner. 2. Ability to work as a team will allow team members to understand their roles and responsibilities on the project and work collaboratively. 3. Listening skills is important because good listening skills is needed to truly hear and try to understand what others on the project are trying to say 4. Planning skills will help the project manager provide each functional department a clearing schedule of their work. 5. Persuasion techniques ââ¬â influencing without direct authority and obtaining win-win situations 4. 1Assessment of Kris Hodgkins Hodgkins dismissed Farleyââ¬â¢s, a renowned condominium marketing consultant, suggestion on building larger but less units. Her focus was to hit the projected sales targets and failed to consider the merits of Fraleyââ¬â¢s suggestion. She also realized that customization had disrupted the completion of the project, but did not try to persuade the management on giving up the idea. If she had done so with the evidence of the increase in cost, wastage of materials and potential complaints from customers that may likely lead to damages to the companyââ¬â¢s reputation, the management may have reconsidered their commitment. Hodgkins choose not to discuss with the buyers about the option on customizing individual units, as she felt that most of the customizing could only be done after the building was completed. This resulted in the wasting of materials and resources as the base design that was constructed had to be ripped out and rebuilt according to the buyersââ¬â¢ changes. This has also resulted in a delay in the work flow because with incomplete drawings the main contractors are not able to get accurate quotes from the subcontractors. By not processing and disseminating vital information promptly, miscommunication occurs, the work process is lengthened and the pressure is placed on the final recipient. A key example of this is the situation where Hodgkins only delivers sketches from the interior designer to Oââ¬â¢Brian and Sinclair when she had the time. An instance where miscommunication results is when Hodgkins never explains to Helen Miller that the reason why the bills she received are so expensive is because of the complexity of the work and the incomplete design provided by Susan Randolph. Incomplete control and bad planning where there is no proper task breakdown structure in place resulted in continual changes to design even while the opening date is closing in. This causes the already tight timeline to be stretched even further, not to mention the fluctuation in manpower, increasing costs and subsequent further delay to the project. As mentioned earlier, the two project managers from Regency are working as different entities although the main objective is for the building to be completed sooner. Furthermore when Hodgkins realize that sales was not doing very well, she did not discuss with Farley and the sales staff on ways to improve sales figure. It can be concluded that Hodgkins is not a good project manager. She failed to communicate vital information to the stakeholders. She was given a team to help on the sales but did not make good use of it. It was only till things were getting out of hand that she called for a meeting. If she had done so earlier, this would have reduced the amount of time and resources wasted. There is also evidence of poor control and checks, bad planning and a refusal to address issues and update management of problems. 5. Risk Management The Risk Management Process consists of four stages which are elaborated below; 5. 1Stage 1: Identify ââ¬â Risk Identification Identification ensures that actions and contingencies are focused upon specific risks. Actions may then be developed to specifically target this risk and attempt to reduce its impact. Risk Breakdown Structure i. Complexity ââ¬â The strategy of customisation of condominium units resulted in the delay of the projectââ¬â¢s completion. Hodgkins did not identify and assess such risks when she took on this project. If she had done so, it would have allowed her to factor this in when assessing the contractors and costs and would also have given her ample time to develop choices of strategy to tackle the problem. ii. Subcontractors ââ¬â Time was an issue during the designing process when making alterations to the condominium. This would have been acceptable if the issue had been addressed at the beginning and contingency plans were made. But Hodgkins preferred to take the chance of hoping customers would settle for what was given instead. This was a curious decision that she made in view of the fact that customisation was a selling point for the condos and the target market consisted of wealthy couples who were likely to have higher expectations and would want something personalised and unique. It would not be surprising and would in fact be expected that they would opt for customisation despite the additional cost to them. This judgement error by Hodgkins resulted in problems with regards to work schedules and budgets. Once alterations were required, the process of designing these changes would take weeks. This placed a lot of pressure on the contractors. iii. Construction Management ââ¬â Due to the customization option available to the buyers, Hodgkins was required to ensure proper management of the overall construction of the project. Any delay on any aspect of the project, eg the delay in completing floors would have a chain effect and cause delays to other parts of the project (i. . the Millersââ¬â¢ case) and result in additional costs. While the buyers are willing to pay for the cost of alterations that they have made, the extra costs associated with the delaying of the entire project would not be their responsibility. Due to the fact that the contract between RHG and the contractors was a fixed sum contract, as such the contractors would be extremely cautious of committing to anything. 2. Stage 2: Analyse ââ¬â Risk Assessments Rank risks according to the likelihood that the risk will occur and also the severity of its occurrence. The ranking is usually done using words such as ââ¬ËSevereââ¬â¢ or ââ¬ËHighly/Likelyââ¬â¢ which are then linked to numerical values that can be multiplied together. The results can then be ranked, with the highest number the one which most requires attention. For Regency Plaza Project, the major potential risks are plotted below Risk Management Assessment Matrix | | | |Contractors- Time Length | | | | |Complexity |Construction Management | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 5 4 Likelihood 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 Impact Red zoneââ¬âMajor Risk Yellow zone-Moderate risk Green zoneââ¬âMinor risk 5. 3Stage 3: Planning ââ¬â Risk Response Development Risks cannot be ignored. They may be tolerated, treated, transferred to another party or terminated. Below are some plans that can be used to tackle the major risks: i. Complexity ââ¬â Solutions of strategy to reduce possible risk damage will be accepting the recommendation offered by Farley on building larger units. If Farleyââ¬â¢s recommendation had been taken up, the risk of complexity will be reduced due as there will be lesser buyers and conversely less complications and liaison required. This will result in lesser probability of alterations and the progress of the project can be increased tremendously, while additional cost due to delays is avoided. In terms of the consideration of revenue, bigger units can be priced higher thereby making up for the lesser units. Another alternative will be as mentioned before, if Hodgkins had identified the risk of complexity upon taking up this project, she will then have the necessary time to plan out and tackle the source of this risk. Other than factoring in sufficient contingency time, she would also be able to appeal to management and stakeholder to lengthen the time scheduled for completion. This additional time would enable additional marketing of the units and possible recommendations from satisfied buyers which would assist in the slow sales. ii. Subcontractors ââ¬â If the issue had been tackled earlier then a visible framework could have been set up with adequate and fixed deadlines that would cause little or no problems to the contractors and allow the changes to be made before critical areas of the condominiums were constructed. This difference would also help avoid the majority of complaints from customers regarding delays and slow service. iii. Construction Management ââ¬â This again could have been planned more effectively if the scope of change had been correctly defined and agreed at an earlier date, allowing for more efficient use of resources and better planning. 5. 4Step 4: Management ââ¬â Risk Response Control Hodgkins should monitor the project progression, do an extensive risk assessment, anticipate possible risks and handle unforeseen new risks. All these should be updated to project team members and stakeholders during regular meetings. Problems should be embraced and resolved and not concealed and denied. All the team members should be encouraged to identify problems, mistakes and new risks, and ensure that constant communication and information flow amongst the project members. Hodgkins should also make an effort to communicate and highlight issues specifically to the hotel project team who will be directly affected by any problems on the condominium project. 6. Millerââ¬â¢s Dilemma In view of the Millersââ¬â¢ predicament, Hodgkins was found to be trapped in a tight spot with only five options to consider. Option 1: The first option of telling the Millers that it was too late to customize the unit would have a disastrous impact. The buyer-seller relationship and reputation of Regency Plaza and its management would be put at stake if the Millers, who are active and influential members of the Boston social circles, were to spread the information amongst their social circle (who are the potential target market of this project). Even if the Millers decide to undertake this option, extra time and coordination would be required as changes to the unit might involve shutting down the entire floor, hindering construction on other units and causing further delay to work schedules. At the same time, the positive effect of this option might not be beneficial to Hodgkins either as it may make no significant impact on the already delayed work schedule. Option 2: The second option would involve pushing through the changes. This would reduce the amount of demolition work required and keep the Millers satisfied. However, on a macro view, putting the unit on hold would delay schedules and have impact on both direct and indirect costs, eg delaying the hotel project and thereby the loss of possible income from occupancy. Should the Millers decide to draw out this option and the changes take a longer time, the cost liability during the holding phase would be a grey area which would add on to the complexity of the problem. Option 3: The third option to hire a small general contractor to finish the unit before closing may not resolve the Millersââ¬â¢ problems. Extra overhead expenses would be extremely expensive and it would be tedious for Hodgkins to handle two general contractors. The possibility of conflicts and disagreements on roles and responsibilities might arise between the different groups of contractors, adding complexity and delay to the project. This may also impact the morale of worker in Kelly Construction thereby impacting quality of work. But the advantage of hiring small contractors could be beneficial looking at it from a microscopic view. Changes to the Millersââ¬â¢ unit could be accomplished while works on other units could be carried out concurrently. This would allow works to be completed and costs would not be borne by Kelly Construction which would minimise any other inconvenience. On hindsight, this option might be appealing to the Millers as well as they could get their unit on time. But, the price of satisfying the Millers by increasing management expenses significantly may be too great for Hodgkins to justify paying for. Option 4: The fourth option involves stopping work and handing over an empty unit. The advantage of this approach will be that the Millers could finish the unit at their own convenience while works on other units could be done concurrently. However, Hodgkins could still be trapped in the dilemma if she were to execute this approach. On top of the fact that the costs have already been incurred and work would need to be undone, the bankââ¬â¢s unwillingness to lend money could add on to the Millersââ¬â¢ frustration, which could be extremely unfavorable to the reputation of RHG. Regency would also lose control over the project and may be forced to deal with other occupants who want this option. In a construction sense, there may be future issues with works to units done by external contractors. Option 5: In general, the last option of moving the Millers to a different unit on a higher floor would be a more feasible and win-win alternative. It would generate the least negative impact on both time and cost. Most importantly, all parties ââ¬â the Millers, Kelly Construction, Susan Randolph, Hodgkins and even the RHG, could benefit from this approach. A higher floor unit is of a higher value. Offering to move the Millers there (it is of course recommended that RHG absorbs the price difference), would help to ââ¬Å"compensateâ⬠the Millers for any inconvenience caused. This move would be a positive long-term investment in exchange for the satisfaction of the Millers and sustainability of the positive impression for RHG. Likewise, moving the Millers to a higher floor in which interior work had not yet started would buy additional time for the contractors as no demolition work is required. There would be no wastage of materials and significant cost savings would be anticipated. Susan Randolph would also have a larger time frame to make changes to the designs while cost assessment and approval could be done concurrently without affecting the schedule. In view of the fact that sales figures are not high, there would not be any significant inconvenience caused to RHG and in fact this move may assist in sales if the Millers are positive about the Regency Plaza Project and this is circulated in their social circle. 7. Final discussion The above evaluation has revealed that the Regency Plaza was not very well managed. A major factor contributing to the failure is poor planning. The project seems to be in a mess as roles and responsibilities are not properly defined and allocated, the decision- making process is muddled and is not well communicated. there are no proper checks. These problems could be easily overcome if delegation of roles and responsibilities was communicated clearly (refer to appendix on RAM). Every modification introduced within the project phase can have certain impact on the level of achievement of the project (Lock 1992). Each modification could take several weeks so that quotes could be gathered and reviewed. In t he case of the modification of the Millersââ¬â¢ unit, this caused the delay of the scheduled completion of the twelfth floor and has also affected the safety and infrastructure of the building. As such the risk management aspect was not well taken care of. If the issues had been addressed earlier through constructing a project network, this would cause little or no problems to the contractor as it allows changes to be made before critical areas of the condominium were constructed Newell (2002) suggested that assumptions must be made for the purpose of project planning. However in Hodgkinsââ¬â¢ case, her assumptions are flawed and not thought through properly. She assumed that most buyers would not customize their units and would settle easily for what was given. By assuming such scenarios, she had overlooked the target market for the project, ie the wealthy. This error in judgement disrupted the completion of the project, raised overall budgets and caused much dissatisfaction among the project group. To make matters worst, the marketing strategy adopted by Hodgkins was that of word of mouth. With complaints of delay, cted the sales performance of the project was affected and a poor image of Regency was projected. Hodgkins would have done better to have done research on the buying patterns of her target market or spoken to her contacts, market specialists or even to have discussed with her team. If the above problem was to be addressed or realized earlier, the impact would have been minimized. While assumptions may not be a bad thing and in fact are encouraged, they must be made with a contingency plan and for Hodgkins case, she does not seem to have any. 8. conclusion The Regency Plaza project was a race against time and time means money. This situation put Hodgkins in a tight spot and many decisions needed to be made immediately to avoid any delays. Many irrational decisions were thus made which affected the overall progress of the project. As a project manager, success of the project should be the first priority. Coming up with possible alternatives to tackle the tough situation is critical. Although many possible solutions were provided, however Hogkins did not appear to have used many of them to resolve the current issues related to the project. Lock (1992) mentioned that to achieve the project objectives, People, Communication, Jobs and Resources must be properly organized. Planning and coordination is essential. To summarise, Project Managers are key to the success of any project and are worth their weight in gold. . Appendix Responsibility Assignment Matrix(RAM) Task/Resource |PM: Hodgkins |KDS |Oââ¬â¢Brian and Sinclair |Kelly Construction |Millers Designer: Randolph |Consultant: Farley |Sales Team | |Sales and Marketing |R | | | | |C |R | |Building Architectural |A |R |R |C | |C | | |Customization |I | |C |R | | | | | Managing the subcontractors | |I |I |R | | | | |Millerââ¬â¢s interior design |I |I |C |C | R | | | |Construction invoices |R | |R |R | | | | | R = Responsible (People who do the work) A = Accountable (People who make sure the work gets done) C = Consulted (People who provide input before and during the work) I = Informed (People who are kept informed of progress) Blue boxes refers to the stakeholders 10. REFERENCES 1. Ballard G & Whelton M, 2002, Wicked Problems in Project Definition, Retrieved on 14th September 2009, from http://www. leanconstruction. org/pdf/WickedProblemsinProjectDefinitionIGLC10. pdf 2. Gray C. F & Larson E. W, 2008, Project Management: the managerial process, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, America. 3. Juan R. S, 2009, Good Project Manager, Retrieved on 27th September 2009, from http://www. gaebler. om/Good-Project-Manager. htm 4. Lewis J. P, 2005, Project Planning, Scheduling & Control 4th Edition, McGraw Hill, America 5. Lock D, 1994, Project Management 5th Edition, Gower Publishing Company Limited, America 6. Meredith J. R & Mantel S. J, 2003, Project Management; A Managerial Approach 5th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, America 7. Newell M. W, 2002, Preparing for the Project Management Professional P MP 2nd Edition, Amacom, America 8. The Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM), 2009, Retrieved on 20th September 2009, from http://www. mindtools. com/pages/article/newPPM_RAM. htm 9. Weiss J. W & Wysocki R. K, 1992, 5-Phase Project Management, Perseus Books Publishing, America 10. Yagiz O, 2008, Project Planning, Retrieved on 14th September 2009, from http://www. emu. edu. tr/~oyagiz/MGMT409/MGMT409-05-BW. pdf BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Berkun S, 2005, The Art of Project Management, Oââ¬â¢Reilly Media, Inc. , America 2. Bruce A & Langdon K, 2007, Manage Projects Dorling Kindersley Limited, London 3. Burke R, 2003, Project Management Planning and Control Techniques 4th Edition, John Wiley & Son, UK 4. Egeland B, 2009, Project Management Tips, Retrieved on 27th September 2009 from http://pmtips. et/ 5. Lewis J. P, 2007, Fundamentals of Project Management 3rd Edition, Amacon, America 6. Lockyer K, 1985, Critical Path Analysis 4th Edition, The Bath Press, Great Britain 7. Lovegrove H, 2008, Good Project Managers are hard to find! , Retrieved on 23th September 2009 from http://www. pmhut. com/good-project-managers-are-hard-to-find 8. Randolph W. A, 1988, Effective Project Planning and Management; Getting the Job Done, Prentice Hall, UK 9. Reh F. J, 2009, Project Management 101, Retrieved on 16th September from http://management. about. om/cs/projectmanagement/a/PM101. htm 10. Shackleton E, 2005, Managing your people; real life lessons from top business leaders, BBC Books, London 11. Tusler R, 1996, An Overview of Project Risk Management, Retrieved on 22th September 2009 from http://www. netcomuk. co. uk/~rtusler/project/riskprin. html ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â Performance Cost Time Constrain Enhance Accept Marking Consultant (Farley) Clients Vocal Neighbourhood Groups Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) KDS Associates Regency Hotel Management Project Manager Hodgkins Decision Making Process
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Shocking Details About Freedom Writers Essay Topics Unveiled
Shocking Details About Freedom Writers Essay Topics Unveiled Which states that if someone is caught bullying they'll be punished depending on the degree. It contributes to the rise of criminal pursuits and the formation of several gangs. Conclusion It is essential for society to comprehend that bullying can be carried out in all forms and shapes. Should you do, it could be brought about by domestic violence. Youth violence isn't merely a community problem, but in addition a public health issue. This abuse, nevertheless, isn't just confined to physical, but in addition verbal and emotional also. Spouse abuse is the point where the partner abuses their love due to different factors. It is one of many types of domestic violence that are known enough for people to get a general idea. The Start of Freedom Writers Essay Topics Occasionally a huge change can come from individuals deciding to earn a difference. 1 person at one time can create a difference. Modern sleeping attributes in an enormous variety are created by domestic and foreign manufacturers. On the other hand an individual cannot confuse a gift for a bribe. In the procedure for writing, you're going to be accompanied by means of a support group, and you essay on corruption in punjabi language alphabet not need to worry that the author isn't going to understand your preferences or do something wrong. While his lectures ar e still great and extremely inspirational, Walter Lewin isn't a fantastic educator. Feynman's lectures were written to invigorate the interest of students with a great grasp of physics by presenting new thoughts and exciting developments in the area. The world wants a myriad of minds Temple Grandin. The overwhelming majority of these students are, obviously, black and latinx. A good deal of times teachers become stuck in their very own area and standards they dismiss other areas which should be addressed for a student to succeed all around. In science you will hear it is its own language and that's why people don't understand it. The War Against Freedom Writers Essay Topics We will need to deal with the issues of revenue and wealth inequality in the united states. Society ought to be alarmed about because there's been a huge increase among children being overweight. The usa is among the leading countries with the largest proportion of obese men and women. However, capitalism in America does not create enough jobs to provide every individual work. Ok, I Think I Understand Freedom Writers Essay Topics, Now Tell Me About Freedom Writers Essay Topics! Some schools are facing inner city issues and they are just a product of their environment. There are hundreds and hundreds of dollars that teams fund to be able to have quality fields to enhance their results. You must be in a position to want change and improvement in order to be successful. Our customer support will gladly tell you whether there are any special offers at the present time, and make sure you are getting the very best service our company may deliver. Ruthless Freedom Writers Essay Topics Strategies Exploited People today wish to keep healthier and live more time to fulfill life long dreams, goals and spend time with family and friends. The movie is also depending on the DC program named City at Peace. The value of self-worth is still another substantial theme in The Freedom Writers Diary. The majority of the time their parents are their recruiters and wish to send their children to the school with the very best educational system. What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Freedom Writers Essay Topics The majority of the writers we re already in a gang since they had no decision. This film is extremely helpful for English majors. Most folks don't even be aware that the movie was based on a genuine story. 1 movie with that genre that is truly near my heart is Freedom Writers. The Hidden Truth About Freedom Writers Essay Topics It is the only thing that may spell the difference between a good day and a bad one. The main reason is because they don't get the appropriate help they require. There are additionally some reasons why we rarely heard such instances. This is something everybody can connect to just because all of us have exactly the same pieces. The Do's and Don'ts of Freedom Writers Essay Topics If people see the homeless, they do their very best to keep away from them. Though there are shelters that house individuals who are on the road, they aren't enough for the sum of men and women in demand in their opinion. A good deal of men and women act or dress a particular method to become popular o r to stand out, but that's not likely to receive them anywhere on the planet. Most men and women assume that those that are homeless choose to remain homeless.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Plague Of The Bubonic Plague - 1938 Words
Black Plague DBQ The Bubonic Plague or Black Plague devastated Europe in the fifteenth through eighteenth centuries killing anywhere from twenty to twenty-five million people or about one-third of the continentââ¬â¢s population. At the time, medical knowledge was not competent for understanding why the deadly pathogen was spreading; therefore, the plague radiated like wildfire. The Europeans believed that the plague was a sort of divine punishment for the sins in which they had committed, and they had no idea there was a scientific explanation for the epidemic. Among the masses affected by the calamitous plague, there was a broad spectrum of responses in which the Europeans took part. Three major responses that were most apparent in theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The attempts of secluding and quarantining the sick were obviously not very efficient since roughly twenty-five million died; however, the plague might have been much worse and consumed more lives had this response not been widely practiced. In addition to quarantining the large number of infected, another major response to the Black Plague was taking part in efforts to treat and cure them. Due to the extreme lack of medical knowledge, many people turned to religious and superstitious ceremonies in hopes of freeing them and their loved ones from the painful symptoms caused by the plague. It was a common belief that by receiving Godââ¬â¢s forgiveness from the personââ¬â¢s sin, it would grant them deliverance from the plague, hence the use of religious ceremonies that had no effect on the outcome of oneââ¬â¢s medical health. Another mistaken cause for the plague was the presence of demons in a person. Physicians would then let blood or burst their boils in attempts to cleanse their bodies of their unwanted guests; however, that just made matters worse and caused a quicker decline in the health of the patient. H. de Rochas, a French physician at around the same time, stated another piece of evidence supporting the apparency of treatment of the Black Plague in the era. He explains that patients infected with the plague had toads hung around their necks in hopes that their venom would draw outShow MoreRelatedThe Plague Of The Bubonic Plague896 Words à |à 4 PagesBlack Death The Bubonic Plague was likely the first semi-global pandemic that rightfully merits the name which means affecting all people. The period of time in which the disease wreaked havoc was also known as the ââ¬Å"Black Death. Alexandere Yersin was a French bacteriologist and discovered the bacteria in Hong Kong This diabolical disease is characterized by both positive and negative outcomes for the few people that managed to survive the plague. The total number of people who died subsequentlyRead MoreThe Plague Of The Bubonic Plague1848 Words à |à 8 Pages The Bubonic Plague killed over twenty-five million people during the Elizabethan Era (David Perlin, PhD and Ann Cohen). ââ¬Å"The origins of the Black Death can be traced back to the Gobi Desert of Mongolia in the 1320ââ¬â¢s (Ed. Geoffrey J. et al).â⬠The Bubonic Plague has picked up many nicknames. For example, it has been called ââ¬Å"The Black Death,â⬠and ââ¬Å"one of the four horsemen of the apocalypseâ ⬠(Ed. Geoffrey J. et al). The Bubonic Plague was very prominent during its time with many peopleââ¬â¢s lives beingRead MoreThe Plague Of The Bubonic Plague1426 Words à |à 6 PagesThe plague was a catastrophic time in history, and happened more than once. It took millions and millions of peopleââ¬â¢s lives. It destroyed cities and countries, and many people suffered from it. What is the plague? The plague or referred to as the Black Death, according to the CDC (2015), ââ¬Å"is a disease that affects humans and other mammals and caused by the Yersinia pestis bacteria. Humans usually get plague after being bitten by a rodent flea that is carrying the plague bacterium or by handlingRead MoreThe Plague Of Bubonic Plague1675 Words à |à 7 PagesBubonic Plague Ellery Perez Health Science Technology Made of a canvas outer garment coated in wax, as well as waxed leather pants, gloves, boots and hat. A dark leather hood and mask with a very grotesque curved beak (Jackie Rosenhek, 2011). A serial killer, Halloween costume perhaps or a cosplay outfit for a horror movie? No, a doctor actually is what this outfit was meant for. Doctors wore this attire in the medieval times in order to protect themselves from the bubonic plague. We ve all heardRead MoreThe Plague Of The Bubonic Plague1562 Words à |à 7 Pagesquote by Matteo Villani, ââ¬Å"It was a plague that touched people of every condition, age and sex. They began to spit blood and then they diedââ¬âsome immediately, some in two or three days, and some in a longer timeâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ (Crash Course World History, Min 6 Sec 43). The plague is known today as: the Bubonic Plague. When the plague eventually found its way into Europe in 1348, an estimated one to two thirds of the whole population was eradicated. But how did th e plague get there in the first place? It mostRead MoreBubonic Plague1154 Words à |à 5 PagesBubonic plague is believed to have brought the Byzantine empire to its knees in the 6th century. This is the first ever documented record of bubonic plague in human history. But the fact that bubonic plague continues to afflict human population even today is a matter of concern. Your bubonic plague research paper would revolve around the premise of it being a deadly disease, but we assure you that we wonââ¬â¢t scare you by the facts. Bubonic plague is typically differentiated from other infections becauseRead MoreThe Plague Of Bubonic Plague1714 Words à |à 7 Pagescharacteristics. The diffusion, history, and cure are just a couple universal aspects that contribute to the well known, yet unforgiving disease known as the Bubonic Plague. The Bubonic Plague diffused to many people during its time of dominance. To start, the Bubonic Plague is transmitted to other living organisms in a distinct way. The plague bacteria circulates among different populations of certain rodents without causing an excessive amount of rodent die-off (ââ¬Å"Centers for Disease Control andRead MoreBubonic Plague2091 Words à |à 9 Pages Abstract Bubonic plague has had a major impact on the history of the world. Caused by the bacterium, Yersinia pestis, and transmitted by fleas often found on rats, bubonic plague has killed over 50 million people over the centuries. Burrowing rodent populations across the world keep the disease present in the world today. Outbreaks, though often small, still occur in many places. The use of antibiotics and increased scientific knowledgeRead MoreThe Plague Of The Bubonic Plague825 Words à |à 4 PagesThe Plague Discussion Questions The Black Death was an epizootic bubonic plague, a disease caused by the bacterium of rodents known as Yersinia pestis. The bubonic plague overwhelming effects of European history. The Black Death was considered one of the most ââ¬Å"devastating pandemicsâ⬠in human history. Whom Did the Black Death Affect The Black death affected mostly Europe. ââ¬Å"The disastrous mortal disease known as the Black Death spread across Europe in the years 1346-53.â⬠(Paragraph 1) ââ¬Å"By the endRead MoreThe Plague Of The Bubonic Plague1386 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Bubonic plague has been said to be a part of history since the biblical eras and has had an undeniable effect on the development of contemporary civilization Gowen, B.S. (1907). The cause of the plague is not known. However, there is religious reference of God punishing sinners causing death and destruction using this deadly disease. Throughout the years, there has been a question to be answered by historians and medical professionals. This question is: if the destructive attributes of the
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